St Peter's Life-Line is a small, grass-roots charity, with the passion and vision to make a big difference, where 100% of your donations reach the schools and community. St Peter's Life-Line partners with St Peter's primary schools and community of Kajuki, Kenya.
Our goal is to help lift a community out of poverty through; education, feeding programmes, preventing FGM, micro-finance for women, caring for the disabled, ending period poverty, clean water, sanitation and the prevention of disease. We aim to bring Hope Through Education and to enable a more secure future.
Our core vision is to ‘Embrace, Educate, Equip & Empower'.
Kajuki is situated near the foot of Mt Kenya, in the Ameru tribal area of Tharaka Nithi County. It is a harsh, semi arid, marginalised part of Kenya, and is home to some 40,000 people, all totally dependent on a fragile, subsistence economy. St Peter's School was established in 2006 by a young, dynamic Kenyan priest, Fr Joe, the parish priest of St Peter's parish, Kajuki, who saw the crying need to educate orphan and vulnerable children who would not otherwise have the opportunity. St Peter's Life-Line was started in the summer of 2009 by Kenyan-born father and his daughter, after hearing cries of desperation from Fr Joe, during a famine period and in the violent aftermath of the Kenyan elections of 2008. We are a Christian charity, aiming to build a 'Community of Love', but categorically affirm that everyone of any faith, or none, is most welcome.
Our core vision is to Embrace, Educate, Equip and Empower.
Our motivation is to Build a community of Love.
Programmes and statistics at a glance:
Transforming Lives - providing an education for orphan and vulnerable children at primary (58 pupils), disabled specialist schools (11), secondary (25), tertiary (4) and university (4 students).
Alternative Rite of Passage - eliminating FGM, to date over 2,800 young women have been empowered to say NO!
Microfinance - over 3,675 loans and 3,105 members (based on the Grameen model), lifting families out of poverty. Now completely sustainable and self supporting.
School feeding - providing a daily hot lunch to 1,876 children at 9 local primary schools.
Disability - establishing a free Clinic for the disabled in our community, serving over 170 families.
Period Poverty - manufacturing sanitary pads in our micro factory, and distributing to local schoolgirls, enabling them to attend school every week.
Cricket Farming - developing large-scale cricket farming as a nutritious source of protein.
Gender Based Violence - prevention programme under development.
TOTAL RAISED TO DATE: over £750,000